Rønningen, Innlandet - Norway (NO)
    Latitude: N 0° 0' 0"
    Longitude: E 0° 0' 0"
    Country: ()
    Population: NA
    Overcast cloudsOvercast clouds
    Current Temperature: 2.04° C
    Humidity: 95%
    Pressure: 1030 hPa
    - Stafsberg Airport [HMR]
    - Reinsvoll flyplass
    - Damtjern flyplass
    - Rena flyplass, Landsørkje
    - Østre Æra flyplass
    - Oslo Airport, Gardermoen [OSL]
    - Fagernes Airport, Leirin [VDB]
    - Trysil flyplass
    - Gol Airport [GLL]
    - Kjeller flyplass
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